
You can choose one chef menu for an order


Who doesn't love mixing breakfast and lunch for the ultimate weekend meal!
Appetizers(s)   Salad(s)   Soup(s)   Entrees(s)   Dessert(s)
$170.00 for 2 person

Fine Dining French

Let me take you back to my time spent in France. Indulge in the delicacies of the most famous cuisine in the world.
Appetizer(s)   Soup(s)   Salad(s)   Entree(s)   Dessert(s)
$190.00 for 2 person

Steak House

Who doesn't love going to a great steakhouse? Now you don't have to, as I bring it to your house!
Appetizers(s)   Salad(s)   Soup(s)   Main(s)   Sides(s)   Dessert(s)
$240.00 for 2 person

Reviews (1)

Rylee M.
We had the pleasure of having Jeff cook for us at home, and it was an extraordinary experience! He prepared braised beef gnocchi, dirt cake, and milk chocolate panna cotta, all of which were absolutely delicious.Jeff's professionalism a...
Record 1 - 1 of 1

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