
How it works

Indulge in culinary luxury effortlessly - hire a personal chef near you in just a few easy steps. Elevate your dining experience with a dedicated chef at your service


Enter Your Location & Pick Your Dish

Put your zip code into the location form and pick your preferred dish, or select multiple dishes by a chef to create a menu.


Schedule Easily

Choose the date & time you would like the chef to come to your address.


Let the Genie Do the Work

Our Genies (chefs) shop groceries from your neighborhood stores and cook in your kitchen.


Tidying Up the Kitchen

After creating culinary magic, our Genies clean up after themselves and leave the kitchen as they found it.


Enjoy the Experience

Enjoy fresh, delicious food, cooked right in your kitchen, without doing the work. Plus, freeze leftovers in portions.

#Explore menu

Not sure what
to order?

Don't worry! We got your back.

Find me a chef
#Become a chef

Join us for your culinary journey!

Explore your love for cooking with us!

Become a chef

Select location

Please choose the location your meal will be cooked to check your chefs' availability

Schedule my order

Select the date and time your meal should be ready by. The chef will arrive 2+ hours ahead of your meal time.

Override cart?

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