
You can choose one chef menu for an order

Holiday Menu ***Meal Drop Off***

Want all the great food of the holidays dropped off ready to go? Chef John's Holiday Drop Off Meal is the way to go. This is an all inclusive meal that you can just heat and serve for your family.
Salad (All Included)(s)   Mains (All Included)(s)   Sides (All Included)(s)   Dessert (All Included)(s)
$312.00 for 12 people

Larger Dinner Parties!

Got a larger dinner party, check out chef John's great menu. Includes disposable plates, cutlery and 1 server.
Appetizers(s)   Main(s)   Salad(s)   Sides(s)
$840.00 for 20 people

3 Course Dinner with John

Enjoy a meal with friends and family from John. Pick an appetizer, salad, and entree.
Appetizer(s)   Salad(s)   Entree(s)
$260.00 for 4 people

Prime Rib Dinner

A classic dinner of carved bone in prime rib to include an appetizer, salad, 2 side dishes and a dessert! Plan this for a gathering of friends and family. This dinner is for 6-8 people or 12-15 people.
Appetizer(s)   Salad(s)   Rib Roast(s)   Entree Accompaniments(s)   Dessert(s)
$750.00 for 6 people

Reviews (15)

Chris B.
John was very nice and very professional.
Poly O.
Ordering process was very easy. Very understable people, they guided me theough the process efficiently.
Pere S.
Andrea P.
Everything was excellent, chef John was very friendly and accesible. Everything he cooked was delicious.
Jennifer P.
truly amazing! Chef John did an amazing job
Record 1 - 5 of 15

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