rent a chef in Cleveland for thanksgiving

Laura Madden

5 mins read

Oct 07, 2024


What to Do with Leftovers When You Rent a Chef in Cleveland for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a feast of abundance: the table groans with culinary goodies piled high into the air, and if you’ve rented a chef in Cleveland, then your feast stands as the cream of all.

But once everyone has finished their dinner course and that last slice of pumpkin pie has been dispatched, one question lingers: What are you to do with all that leftover food?

This Thanksgiving, you can be grateful for fewer kitchen chores.

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Fortunately, the best is yet to come: the days after Thanksgiving. Leftovers are not just reheats, but the gift that keeps on giving you know how to handle them right. So, buckle up and prepare for us as I share some downright delicious ideas for making the most of your Thanksgiving bounty.

Turkey Transformations That’ll Make You Gobble Again

Do you know the phrase? Turkey is the main event of Thanksgiving, but the encore performance is pretty great, too. Sure, you could slap some slices onto a plate and revamp it again, but where is the fun in that? Here’s how to take that bird and make it into something new.

Turkey Pot Pie

First up, a classic that feels cozy, like a hug from grandma: Turkey Pot Pie. Gather up your leftover turkey, some veggies (hello, peas and carrots!), and a creamy gravy made from the magical drippings of your private chef in Cleveland. Toss it all into a flaky crust, bake it up, and bam! You’ve got a comfort meal almost as good as the first time.

The Legendary Turkey Sandwich

Nothing is more satisfying than scraping through the Thanksgiving leftovers when you finally get a Turkey Sandwich. Don’t stop at turkey and bread, though: add some cranberry sauce and a slice of brie, toss in a handful of arugula to add some crunch, and suddenly, your humble sandwich has entered gourmet territory.

Turkey Soup for the Soul

Finally, with cooler temperatures over Cleveland (as if that had been missing), it’s time for Turkey Soup. Take those leftover bones, mix up a hearty broth, and add some vegetables and noodles or rice to it, and you have one of the heartiest, soul-warming bowls that will keep you going well through the long weekend.

Side Dish Superstars

Sides have it easy on Thanksgiving, but post-Thanksgiving, they can easily steal the show. You can do so much with leftover stuffing, mashed potatoes, and more, so it wouldn’t hurt to give them their moment in the limelight.

Mashed Potato Pancakes

Mix the potatoes with eggs and flour and fry them until golden. You have crispy, fluffy pancakes that are good for breakfast, lunch, or Thanksgiving dinner in Cleveland! To add more flavor, use cheddar cheese and chives.

Stuffing Waffles

Take that leftover stuffing and throw it into the waffle iron. When crispy perfection has been reached, top off the egg and drizzle with gravy for breakfast, brunch, or lunch- no judgments necessary.

Cranberry Sauce Remix

Is that cranberry sauce sitting in the fridge? Give it a remix in just some simple steps. Stir it into yogurt for a sweet-tart treat, use it as a tangy topping for oatmeal, or thin it out with a little olive oil and balsamic vinegar to create a delightful salad dressing. It’s like cranberry sauce found its second career.

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Repurposing Desserts for a Second Round of Sweetness 

The desserts are always the hero of any meal. Pumpkin pie, pecan pie, or sweet potato casserole-there’s no dessert you can bite from the next day. But you do not need to eat just as it was served. Let’s get creative with those leftovers!

Pumpkin Pie Parfaits

Have a few slices of pumpkin pie? Layer them in a jar or glass with whipped cream, crushed ginger snaps, and maybe a sprinkle of cinnamon for a Pumpkin Pie Parfait.

Sweet Potato Pancakes

Sweet Potato Pancakes are the ultimate recipe for leftover sweet potatoes, especially candied ones. Mix them with your regular pancake batter, fry ’em up, and you’ll have a warm, cinnamon-scented breakfast that will get you out of bed in no time.

Pie Milkshake Madness

Feeling extra quirky? Throw a slice of your leftover pie (any kind!) into a blender with some ice cream and milk, and you’ve got yourself a Pie Milkshake. Yes, it sounds indulgent because it is—but isn’t that what the holidays are about?

Store and Reheat Like a Pro

Okay, so maybe you don’t want to eat everything the day after Thanksgiving. (Shocking, we know.) If you want to save some of that goodness for later, proper storage is key. But don’t just toss everything in the fridge, take the following measures.

Label It Like You Mean It

Trust me, your future self will thank you when you’re digging through the fridge looking for that leftover gravy. Write down what’s inside and the date it was cooked. That way, you’re not playing food roulette later on.

Fridge vs. Freezer

Not all leftovers are created equal when it comes to shelf life. Turkey and stuffing will last about three to four days in the fridge, while gravy, potatoes, and most sides can hang out for a bit longer. But if you’re looking to stash away for a cold, dark Cleveland winter day, freeze the good stuff. Turkey, soup, and casseroles all freeze beautifully—just make sure to store them in airtight containers or freezer bags, and you’re good to go!

Spread the Leftover Love

If you rented a chef for Thanksgiving, you’ve probably got more Cleveland food than your household can handle. That’s where your friends, family, and neighbors come in! Here are a few fun ways to share the bounty.

Send Home Leftovers with Guests

Why not spread the love by packing up leftovers for your guests? Grab some eco-friendly to-go containers and fill them up with turkey, stuffing, and pie. It’s like sending everyone home with their own mini-Thanksgiving feast! Plus, you’ll win the title of Best Host Ever.

Donate to Local Charities

Got more food than you know what to do with? Consider donating to local food banks or shelters. Cleveland has several organizations that accept prepared food donations, especially after big holidays like Thanksgiving. It’s a wonderful way to give back and ensure nothing goes to waste.

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Host a Leftovers Party

Make the leftovers themselves the star attraction of your Leftover Party. Invite family, friends, and neighbors over for a loose, casual gathering with a main course. Everybody brings their leftover masterpiece to share.

You can create a buffet with creative leftover dishes or add fun to the proceedings by turning it into a competition, such as Who can make the best leftover dish? It’s an excellent reason to keep eating without cooking for one more day!


Thanksgiving can be a one-day affair, but the excitement does not have to end when the last dish of dinner is cleared. Leftover fare offers the best excuse to keep the flavors rolling for days. From turkey pot pies and mashed potato pancakes to cranberry salad dressings and pie milkshakes, there are so many possibilities in the fridge that are just waiting to be consumed. So, save those leftovers the next time you rent a chef in Cleveland. Be creative, share the love, and make each bite count–because the best part of Thanksgiving may be what happens after the meal!

Laura Madden

Partnerships & Events Manager

With a flair for creating meaningful connections through food, Laura excels in crafting unique and engaging human experiences. Her calm and friendly approach makes complex problems look like a piece of cake. When she's not forging and fostering partnerships in hospitality, she's out trying new restaurants in town.

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